Rashtriya Mukhyadhara is a hindi daily newspaper (Print Media, RNI : JHAHIN/2014/54374) having a newsportal (https://rashtriyamukhyadhara.com ) and a Youtube Chanel (Raastriya Mukhyadhara). The Baseland of ths newspaper is Bokaro, Jharkhand and four other editions of the newspaper are  being published. The newspaper also have many Supliments named as Movie Movement, Navnaar, Pratidhwni etc.

The Newspaper and its other forms of publications are owned by Mr. Purnendu Pushpesh. He is a well known Journalist, Writer, Artist, Activist; He also runs an NGO (HiFi) and a GOD Lover. He says’ “Educating Girl Child is the best FEED for the next BESTworld.”